Childcare in Merthyr Tydfil

In Merthyr Tydfil, we are fortunate to have a number of quality childcare settings including nurseries, pre-schools, cylch meithrins, childminders, out of school and holiday clubs.

Attending a quality childcare setting helps a child to develop social, language, emotional and cognitive skills, as well as physical abilities that will help them later in life.

Have you considered early years childcare in Merthyr Tydfil?

All parents and carers of children have been there, worrying about whether you can afford to go back to work or whether you can find the right childcare option for you and your child.

Should you even send your child to a nursery, playgroup, meithrin or childminder even if you do not work?
The questions can be endless, and the answers can sometimes be a bit confusing.

A recent study by the London School of Economics and Oxford University has shown that children aged two and three who attend nursery display better social and every day skills, while those who stay at home showed poorer speech and movement. The study therefore concludes that a nursery setting is more beneficial for young children.



Sensory development

Gross motor skills


Fine motor skills

language development

Maths skills

Social Skills

Interact well with others

Day Nurseries

Clych meithrins

Day care, wrap around, after holiday clubs
