Play Wales
Play Wales is the national charity for children's play.
Helpful tips for parents to support children's play (August 2017) Our new Helpful tips for parents to support children's play includes information about the physical and mental benefits of playing, tips for playful parenting as well as addressing parental concerns about playing outdoors.
Everyday Adventures (August 2017) Every child benefits from outdoor play opportunities - we don't have to spend money on costly activities or travel miles to a destination playground.
Play, playwork and Food (August 2017) This information sheet explores the current health agenda, play and health, how food can be provided in a playwork setting as well as attitudes and values towards food.
Play and digital technology (July 2017) This information sheet takes a critical look at children and young people's use of mobile phones and other mobile devices, focussing on play. It also examines how children use devices in their play, as well as different perspectives and suggestions to support those working with children.
Top tips: Screen time and digital play (May 2017)Many of us struggle with finding a solution to the challenges around screen time and how to support children and young people to access and interact with it in a way that is beneficial and balances. As adults we have an important role to play in supporting children in a digitalised world.
Play, playwork and resilience: A briefing paper to inform planning for the Families First programme ( December 2016) This briefing paper describes how play and playwork services can address identified gaps on service provision for parents and young people and contributes to the prevention of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and mitigation of the impact for children and young people who are living in difficult circumstances.
Top tips for Outdoor Classroom Day (October 2016) Outdoor Classroom Day is a day for children everywhere to enjoy learning and playing outside the classroom.
Top Tips - make time for play (August 2016) When asked what is important to them, children tell us that playing outside and being with their friends is one of the most important aspects of their lives.
Top tips for Empty Classroom Day (June 2016) Empty Classroom Day is a day for children everywhere to enjoy learning and playing outside the classroom.
Promoting physical activity through outdoor play in early years settings (April 2016) This information sheet explores how playing contributes to children's physical activity levels and how early years practitioners can provide permission, time and space, as well as making materials available, for children to play outdoors. It also provides practical advice on thinking sensibly about health and safety.
Let us out of the bubble wrap (March 2016) Tips on how adults can support children's need for risky play.
Why make time for play? (March 2016) This information sheet provides support for play providers to advocate for staffed play provision. It shows why playing is so important and explores the benefits of staffed play provision for children and the wider community.
Further information