Play Sufficiency Assessment
The Welsh Government places great value on play and its importance in the lives of children in our society. Children have a fundamental right to be able to play, and that play is central to their enjoyment of life and can contribute to their well being. Play is essential for the growth in children’s cognitive, physical, social and emotional development. There is much evidence to support this belief and an increasing understanding of play’s contribution not only to children’s lives, but also to the well being of their families and the wider community.
The Welsh Government is now placing a duty on Local Authorities to assess for and with regard to that assessment, secure sufficient play opportunities for children in their areas, so far as is reasonably practicable.
For play opportunities to meet the requirements of children it is essential that they are consulted on what they want from play and leisure activities therefore, the Local Authority will be carrying out consultations with children, parents and families and local communities when undertaking the Play Sufficiency Assessment.
Play Sufficiency in Wales - The aim of this information sheet is to provide a better understanding about play sufficiency in Wales to those whose work isn't directly involved with children's play or who may not be familiar with the legislation.