Early Years Training Courses
Early Years Training
Training is offered by the Early Years Partnership Planning Group. The Partnership has representation from the private, voluntary and statutory sectors. The Partnership has responsibility for overseeing delivery of the Early Years Partnership Plan 2022- 2027.
Merthyr Tydfil’s Early Years and Childcare Training Directory is updated every 6 months and is distributed to Childcare and Playwork providers throughout the county borough. The training opportunities included aim to support childcare providers to meet the Care Inspectorate Wales’ National Minimum Standards (NMS) as well as offering a holistic approach to continuous professional development.
The courses are available to practitioners working or volunteering in the early years, play and childcare sector or those wishing to access employment in the sector in Merthyr Tydfil. For the purposes of supporting the Early Years and Childcare Sector Workforce’s training needs we include those practitioners who are providing childcare to children up to the age of 12 years – in line with the National Minimum Standards for Regulated Childcare (Revised November 2023). This includes services working with children of that age and in particular Early Years settings – Day Nurseries, Pre-Schools, Cylch Meithrin, Registered Childminders and Out of School Clubs as well as Afterschool Clubs and unregistered childcare settings.
In this section
- Early Years Training Courses
- Interested in becoming a Childminder?
- Interested in opening a Day Nursery?
- Interested in opening a Playgroup?
- Interested in opening an Out of School Club?
- Childcare Organisations
- Useful Publications and Resources for Early Years and Childcare Workforce
- Careers in Playwork
- Introduction to Childcare
- Childcare Career Choices
- Work Experience